Inside: Cutest May bullet journal ideas for bloggers to help organize your schedule.
I think one of my biggest struggles as a blogger is my schedule. I look online, and all I see are these amazingly successful and overly organized blogs that just make me feel like I’m behind. I wanted to be vulnerable and share this with you so that if you feel similarly, you will know you are not alone.
Something that isn’t really spoken about in the work-from-home community is how hard it is to create and stick to a work schedule. You have a million distractions, and it can be all too easy to travel, off-course.
Today I want to share with you something that has helped me immensely: Bullet Journaling!
Creating my monthly, weekly, and daily plans through this form of journalling helps me to feel creative, AND it keeps me on track. Below you will find some inspiration to work with this month as you create the schedule of your dreams.
May Bullet Journal Cover Inspo
First things first, the cover. This is perhaps one of the more trivial parts of your bullet journal, but I think it is so important to allow yourself to have some fun. You can’t all the time!
Give yourself the gift of getting creative and spend a little time each month crafting a cover that will make you want to open your journal.
1. May with Lavender Buds – I am such a fan of lavender, and I think that it’s the perfect cover decoration for the Month of May.
2. May In Pink – With these bullet journals, you can truly create whatever makes you feel happy and creative. Personally, I love pink(no surprise there!). So this idea speaks to me!
3. May With Bees – If you want to take some time to add some serious art to your bullet journal, you can’t go wrong with some bees. I know that may sound random, but just look at how cute this is!
4. May Made of Daisies – I am sure you have heard the saying, ‘April showers bring May flowers’? Well, that seems to be the ongoing theme for May. I love it!
5. May Cover with Geometric Aspects – If you want a little more structure in your cover art, I suggest adding something geometric! It brings a clean feeling to the cover in a way that is simple and aesthetically pleasing.
6. Simplest May Cover – You really don’t need to overthink this whole bullet journal cover art thing. So if I am overwhelming you in any way, this cover idea is for you. You can totally keep it simple!
7. Green Leaves Wrapped Around May – I know that it can be scary to pick up something like bullet journalling if you are not very artistically inclined. But that is what makes this style of writing amazing: the bullets act as a guide that helps you with straighter lines! So anyone can be an artist with a bullet journal.
8. Cute Cassette Theme – If you are a music lover, I think that this cassette-themed bullet journal is a wonderful idea for you.
9. May Theme with Tea – I am a big tea drinker, so when I saw this bullet journal, I fell in love!
10. May Flowers – As I said before, April showers bring May flowers! So don’t be afraid to add some floral beauties to your bullet journal.
May Habit Tracker Ideas
Habit tracking has quickly become one of my favorite tools that I use to help establish new habits. I can use these trackers for things as simple as trying to up my water intake, or I can use them more geared toward my blog.
It’s up to you how to use them, but check out the ideas below and see which ones are your style.
13. May Mood Tracker
15. Weekly Tracker
16. May Tracker with Cute Illustration
17. May To Do List
18. Habit Tracker
20. Cat Themed Idea
May Bullet Journal Planners
Having a planner is perhaps one of the most important things that you can include in your May bullet journal. These are the pages that are going to help you create and stick to a schedule that makes you feel like you are thriving.
I like to change mine every month, so I am always finding new and better ways to plan my days.
21. Weekly Plan
22. Full Month Theme
25. May Goal Ideas
27. Green Plant Idea
30. Lemon Calender
May Bullet Journal Ideas for Bloggers
To cap off this inspirational list, I wanted to show you some amazing pages that I think would serve you greatly in your blogging career. In order to remain consistent, you need a schedule.
The ideas below will help you form a schedule that outlines everything you have to do in a week, a day, or a month. Take a look!
31. Inspirational Cover – By adding something about your blog to your cover, you are going to be more likely to feel the inspiration to work on it!
32. Blog Weekly Schedule – This is a very simple blog schedule, but sometimes that is best. This layout gives you large open spaces to work with, so you can input your biggest goals.
33. Clean Blog Layout – Balance is key when you are trying to run a blog. This example is beautiful because it gives you room for your work but also has your habit tracker on the side.
34. Daily Journal Idea – Journaling can be a wonderful way to come up with new ideas for your blog. And since ideas mean more content, this daily journal idea is an amazing addition to your bullet journal.
35. Weekly Planner Idea – I know that some of you may have gotten to this point and want to back out of the whole idea because it feels like too much. I hear you! This idea is a layout that you can buy straight off of Etsy!
36. Blue Set Up – Sure, this one is in another language, but I think you have seen enough of these ideas so far to be able to use the setup and not the content.
37. Perfect May Daily Set Up – Keeping it simple and clean in a bullet journal layout is the key to being able to use it to help benefit your life.
38. Pink Themed Book – Did you think that I could make this list and not add a handful of pink-themed ideas?
39. Geometric Heart Planner – The beauty of adding geometric designs to a bullet journal is that you get to use the bullets to make your design perfect.
40. Black and White Theme – You can keep it simple with this idea.
41. Perfect Daily Idea – If you plan on using your bullet journal daily, then I think that this is a wonderful layout.
I hope you found these May Bullet Journal Ideas to be helpful and that you are leaving this article with the inspiration to get your schedule on track in a fun and creative way. Bullet journals truly are amazing.
When you are creating your own bullet journal, keep in mind that you can fit these ideas to your needs. So if you haven’t found anything of these examples to hit home, you simply think of them as a guide to creating something that will serve you.
Blogging requires so much more than the ability to write. It requires commitment, consistency, and a thirst for knowledge that is unquenchable. That last one may seem dramatic, but in all actuality, having a blog means you never stop learning.
If you are at the beginning of this journey, or if you simply would like some more tips, I have so many ideas that would benefit you and your blog greatly.