Inside: Best tips on how to find your writing voice for blogs and other media.
Writing your blog can be one of the most rewarding experiences imaginable, but how do you ensure it stands out from the millions of other voices in the world?
Many new bloggers struggle with finding their writing style and developing a unique voice. Fortunately, there are steps that anyone can take to discover their individual style and make sure their posts rise above the others. So I am going to go over six tips that any aspiring blogger can use to find their authentic writing voice and craft unforgettable pieces.
I cover everything from; exploring the 4 types of writing voices, influential writers, understanding audience needs, creating a brand identity and learning presentation tricks, so you’ll be able to write exactly what makes your blog stand apart from everyone else’s!
So if you’re ready to start connecting with readers on an even deeper level, dive right into these six surefire steps for discovering your true writing style today!
4 Types of Writing Voices
Before you get the the 6 steps, I thought I should briefly touch on the four different writing voices that you can pull from. These are just the jumping off point of course, but it’s important to remain consistent in your point of view when writing, otherwise, it will be very confusing.
1. First Person
My writing is a great example of first person. I am writing directly to you, the reader, and I refer to myself as ‘I’.
2. Second Person
Second person is essentially when the writer speaks about other people using ‘you’ instead of ‘I’.
3. Third Person
Third person is when the writer only uses he/she/they/or it to describe.
4. Third Person Omniscient
Third person omniscient is when the writer is able to bounce from one character to the next; they basically see all. This is mainly used in story telling, so you might not use it for a blog.
How To Find Your Writing Voice: 6 Surefire Steps
There are so many different things you must learn when starting a blog(for example, how to write a blog post outline). So I wanted to make it simple for you to find your writing voice with these 6 easy steps.
Step One: Observe
From my experience, observation is a powerful tool that can help everyone become better writers. By taking the time to carefully observe other writers, we can learn a great deal about their techniques, writing styles, and even their thought processes.
It’s about paying attention to the details and examining how the author has constructed the narrative. By doing this, we can improve our own writing skills and find inspiration for our next piece. So don’t be afraid to take a step back and observe the work of others. You never know what valuable lessons you may learn that could take your writing to the next level.
Take a look at some of your favorite blogs and observe their style. You don’t have to copy it exactly; you are just studying! As my English professor in college once said(when talking about our literary essays), you are not reinventing the wheel here! Take that pressure off yourself.
Step Two: Identify What Your Message Is
In a world full of noise and distractions, it’s easy to lose touch with your inner voice. However, it’s important to listen closely to what that voice is telling you in order to discover your true desires and passions. Take some time to reflect and explore what you truly want to say.
What message is burning inside you, waiting to be shared with the world? Okay…that might be a little too intense. I get pretty excited about writing. What you need to focus on is what message is it that you want to share on your blog? What is the overarching theme? Are you trying to teach people something or connect?
Connect with that goal and see what voice it has. Allow it to guide you towards a path that is authentic and fulfilling; that is the name of the game! You don’t want to have to write thousands of words a month about something you could care less about. When you listen closely to your own inner voice, you’ll find that your true potential is limitless.
How To Find Your Writing Voice Step Three: Keep A Journal
This is one of my favorite ways to find a writer’s voice. Keeping a journal can be an incredibly powerful tool for developing your writing style. Whether you’re just starting out as a writer or have been at it for years, a journal can help you hone your craft and uncover your unique voice.
By writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences on a daily basis, you can start to see patterns in your writing that will help you identify what works well and what doesn’t. Journalling is a part of my everyday routine. After a while of writing, you start to see a pattern in your natural way of speaking.
You can experiment with different writing styles and techniques and see how they feel to you. And most importantly, you can practice writing consistently, which is essential for improving your skills as a writer. So if you’re looking to find your writing style, don’t hesitate to start your journal today. It just may be the key to unlocking your full potential as a writer.
Step Four To Hone Your Voice: Practice
Writing is a skill that takes practice to refine. I used to be HORRID at it. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut, using the same words and phrases over and over again. The best way to improve your writing is to practice regularly.
Even if you don’t have a specific writing project in mind, take a few minutes each day to write something down. It could be a personal journal entry, a short story, or simply a list of observations from your day.
The act of writing will not only help you find your voice, but also give you an opportunity to experiment with new styles and techniques. So, whether you’re writing for yourself or for a wider audience, make it a priority to practice regularly.
Step Five: Read Other Blogs
Reading other blogs and studying their unique styles is an essential part of honing your own writing craft. By analyzing the tone and word choices of other writers, you can gain new insights into how to improve your own prose.
You can also use this to see what writing styles perform better online. I know that isn’t what we want to think about when we are working on a passion project, but it can be very useful when you are trying to turn something you like doing into a career. You can totally do this!
This was how I got inspiration to start building an email newsletter, you never know when inspiration with strike.
Step Six: Learn from Feedback
Feedback can be a powerful tool for self-improvement, especially when it comes to finding your unique voice. It can be tempting to shy away from criticism, but taking the time to listen and make adjustments based on feedback can help you grow as a person and as an artist(I think us blog writers are artists).
Whether it’s feedback from your family, a mentor, or even an audience, paying attention to what people are saying can help you refine your skills and get closer to expressing your true self. Remember that feedback is not a personal attack, but rather an opportunity to learn and improve. Embrace the process and keep striving to find your own voice. Stay humble!
I know this can be hard, I used to get my feelings hurt all the time. It will be okay, you can’t be perfect right out of the gate.
Discovering your writing voice is a difficult, but worthwhile pursuit. Think of it as a journey: it takes effort to become conscious of how you write and then practice, practice, practice to make adjustments to develop it further.
Take the time to observe successful bloggers and pay attention to your own inner voice as you write. Keeping a journal can help immensely in directing this process as well as reading other writers for comparison.
This exploration will bring necessary feedback which should be embraced and used to refine and shape your writing style into something that fully expresses who you are and what you wish to convey through your words. So With these how to find your writing voice steps, finding your unique writing voice can finally be achieved!
If you are successful with this step, perhaps you will be checking out my tutorial on how to sell a blog one day. You got this!