Inside: Crush your goals with these three simple steps.
Goals are such an integral part of life. Whether it be for your schooling, your career, or even just your diet. Having a goal gives us something to work towards, a guiding direction to better ourselves.
If you have recently decided you want to crush your goals, then you are in the right place. Below you will find the 3 steps you can follow to crush your goals every time, as well as an in-depth example of how I used this in my life to accomplish my personal goals.
It was simple and fun, and I know you can do it too.
So buckle up, and be prepared to have your dreams come true. You hold the key, and it is up to you to make those ideas a reality. I really hope you enjoy this article and that you leave it feeling refreshed and inspired.
How to Crush Your Goals in 3 Simple Steps
I want to walk you through the two steps that will help you to crush your goals first, and then afterward, I will put them into action by telling you how I used them to accomplish my personal goals. Remember that you are already taking such an incredible step by looking this up and reading this article. This is step one; you are already on your journey.
1. Get Clear and Concise
This is the first step you have to take when trying to accomplish a goal: get super clear on what it is you are striving for. Otherwise, there is too much room for error. If you get super clear and precise about what it is you are going for, you will gain a better understanding of how to get there.
To do this, I want you to journal about it. Write down what your goal is as a single sentence. Then I want you to go ahead and list a few things that you are going to gain from accomplishing this goal.
Think about all of the little steps that you can take to reach your goal. You are already started on this goal at this point. Remember that! When writing down the steps, try to add as many little ones as you can. That way you have a good understanding on what to do at any given point.
2. Put Your Goal On Your Wall & Tell Someone!
I think this one is very important. You need to put your goal up on your wall. So get a big piece of paper or poster board, and write down the following:
- Goal
- Steps
- Outcome
If you write all this down and stick it somewhere that you see every single day without fail, it will keep you driven to succeed. You can even make it cuter by adding your own decorations, doodles, and encouragement. The more time you spend on it, the more you will want to look at it. So get all artsy with it! It is bound to benefit you.
3. Remain Consistent
This is perhaps the most important of them all. Consistency is key. I know it can be hard to stick with things long-term. We can tend to get overwhelmed and feel like we are failing more often than not. I want you to allow yourself days where you aren’t working towards your goal. Days where you do the opposite.
That way, you know that just because you have slip-ups, the goal remains the same. There is still such an important goal to be finished, and you shouldn’t care about how long it takes you to get it done.
If you just keep working on it, you will reach your goal without a doubt.
How to Crush Your Goal: Example
I wanted to give you an example of these three steps in action this way you can get a deep understanding of how it works and how you can make it work for you.
Step One: Get Clear About Your Goals
I recently decided that I wanted to start a new blog from scratch . Don’t get me wrong, I was pretty busy already with multiple sites running, but I wanted that good feeling that comes with starting something new that I am passionate about.
So my first step was to get clear about my goals. Simply knowing that I wanted to start something new did not give me any sense of direction on how to start. So I journaled.
I wrote down my goal: Start a new blog projects that I am truly passionate about.
I wrote down my steps: Use a habit tracker to observe myself and my habits. Force myself to stick to a writing schedule. Map out my ideas for the topic and establish a good morning and night routine that allows me to fit my new goal into my current life schedule.
I wrote down my outcome: More excitement. A work-passion connection. Another asset built & income stream.
Step Two: Put it on your wall
I wanted to put this goal somewhere that I would see it every single day. So I put different reminders all around my house. I wrote it on a big planner board. I wrote little affirmations and stuck them to my mirror. I made this goal visible to myself as much as possible.
This was so I could remember the goal, how to get to it, and what I would get out of it if I saw it through. This really helped put me into the right head space. I was ready to embark on this business journey!
Step Three: Remain Consistent
Finally, I really made myself stick to my goal. That isn’t to say I did this perfectly. I had plenty of days when I didn’t feel like writing after my daily work was done or when I wanted to just leave it for awhile, but those days dramatically decreased as my new site and content started to gain momentum.
When trying to work towards a goal of your own, I think it is important to always remember why you felt passionate enough about it to do it in the first place. Life can suck the passion right out of you if you aren’t careful.
If you just stick with these steps above… you will be rolling in your victory before you know what is happening.
Just get clear, make your goal visible, and then use these steps to see it through to the very end.
So there you have it.
Are you inspired to crush your goals yet? Because I know I am!
I know that this is going to be such a good period of time for you. Deciding on a goal and seeing it through to the end has so many benefits outside of the goal itself.
If your goal is to start your own blog also, I can help you with that. We have so many awesome resources for starting something new that will give you not only inspiration to start, but the information to be able to do it well.
And if you’d like to have a coach to walk through the starting steps with you, I have a coaching package available just for that!
Setting goals is such an important part of life. It is what pushes us to become better humans, inside and out. It gives us something to look forwards to and work toward while we are here on this planet.